The Chris Farley Foundation

This was the official website of the Chris Farely Foundation until 2012 when Farley's brother, Tom Farley, announced in July 2012 via the Wisconsin State Journal that The Chris Farley Foundation would immediately cease operations.

The charity was founded in 1998 after former "Saturday Night Live" performer Chris Farley died of an overdose. The charity sought to reduce peer pressure and substance abuse through humor and improv. Tom Farley traveled to schools, delivering anywhere from a one-hour presentation to a day-long workshop. Farley told the Wisconsin State Journal that he was able to use his brother's stardom to produce a message that resonated with children. But with funding for the foundation declining because of tighter school budgets and fewer grants, he felt it was time to cease operations. The website has been reconstructed from the sites archived pages. The new owners believes that the mission of the The Chris Farley Foundation should remain visible on the web.

"Chris' death touched many people, but most don't realize that it also greatly impacted us. We took in Jona, Chris' collie, rather than surrender him to an animal shelter. But Jona was very much impacted by the loss of his best friend and master. He stopped eating and would only go outside with much coaxing. He chewed up his bedding and we finally had to buy him a new bed, which he rejected at first. Our vet suggested that we treat Jona like a child and comfort him at bedtime by lying beside him on his new cushiony round dog bed. This actually worked, and within a week, he was eating and more comfortable going outside with us. The round bed we purchased from Good Night Dog has been completely accepted, and it is now the only dog bed Jona will use. We know this because we forgot to bring it along when we visited our kids on Thanksgiving. But long story short, Chris' death caused us to bond with his pet and we love Jona as a member of our family, and we're sure Chris would approve." J&M Wilson


The Chris Farley Foundation is dedicated to the prevention of substance abuse. It focuses on communicating the consequences of drugs and alcohol abuse to kids, teens, and young adults.

Using Chris' humor as inspiration, we create communications that enable our audiences to develop personal skills to respond positively to pressures that impact choices regarding substance abuse




The Brand

The Foundation seeks to establish the "Chris Farley" brand by raising initial awareness, and by creating measurable programs that reach a mass audience and deliver effective prevention messages.
The brand will initially seek to leverage the memory, work, and reputation of Chris Farley as it develops its own message of Think. Laugh. Live.
THINK clear about consequences, know you have a choice, and think enough of yourself to have confidence in your own worth
...use humor as a source of strength and independence. 

...connect with the goodness of life, appreciate the world around you, and make decisions that respect your world and your life.





The Chris Farley Foundation has signed a contract to produce an autobiographical book on Chris. The book is expected to be completed in late 2006 and published in 2007. The book is being written by former National Lampoon writer Tanner Colby, author of the recently published (Rugged Land) biography on John Belushi (see right).

The Farley book will feature interviews and memories of people who knew him best; from childhood and school to Second City, SNL, and Hollywood





Extensive research during the past two decades has identified a number of prevention strategies that reduce drug use, even among those at high risk. These strategies share a common goal: they strengthen "protective factors" -- social skills, family bond, school, and community involvement ­ while reducing "risk factors" such as lack of parental guidance, school failure, and substance abuse in their environment. Research has also pointed out the importance of "resilience" among young people in who are able to resist drugs. 

Within this framework, The Chris Farley Foundation will work to:

  • Disseminate developmentally appropriate information through the use of comedy.
  • Teach children that using drugs is not the norm.
  • Provide a clear, consistent social message that teen alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use is harmful and unacceptable
  • Create appropriate approaches to dealing with the different cultural, gender and age needs. of the target audience
  • Create a model for "outside of school" comedy-related programs and mentoring efforts.
  • Promote participation in comedy-based programs.
  • Help kids and young adults identify internal and external pressures, including peer pressure.
  • Help kids develop personal, social, and refusal skills to resist these pressures.
  • Strengthen "positive factors" such as personal and social skills.
  • Address the social risk factors that lead kids and young adults to substance abuse.
  • Address the factors necessary to enhance resilience and promote individual strengths.


About Chris 

Memories of my brother by Tom Farley

The Farley family loved to laugh. We were a large, Irish family growing up in the Midwest who wanted to see humor in everything. Laughter to us was a tonic. It made the good times better and the bad times somewhat less so. Most of all, we really loved to just make each other laugh. And that, I think, was what made Chris so enjoyable to watch.

For Chris it wasn't enough to just "be" funny; he really wanted and needed to make you laugh and feel good. The sincerity with which he was able to do that was obvious, whether you saw him on stage, on screen, or up close in person. Chris' humor was right from the heart. He never scripted his jokes or worked on creating a better "act." He simply thought of something funny and went with it.

But what I remember best about Chris was how he loved to laugh. Some comedians need all the attention; they crave it. Not Chris. He would double up at the slightest of jokes, which I saw him do countless times; with friends and comedians alike. And when the joke was on him, Chris was hysterical. He loved it!

Throughout our years growing up, I could never understand how Chris was able to get himself in trouble with a teacher, a coach, or our parents, and still come away with them smiling and rolling their eyes. Now I just marvel at that skill. I sure hope my kids find that ability some day - what an gift!

Imagine Chris (the accused) standing before a teacher who is scolding him on some infraction. As she recites to him exactly what he had done to disrupt her class, the teacher (listening to her own words) begins to realize just how funny the stunt really had been. Better yet, the entire situation would be fully supported by an almost angelic look Chris could display, backed up by a genuine Catholic need for seeking forgiveness. He literally wanted everyone to see the humor in what he had done; even the person he knew would eventually have to discipline him for it.

Chris was always willing to make others happy. He was our little wind-up toy. When we wanted to be amused, we asked Chris to do something outrageous, and he delivered. This willingness to do anything had consequences. I imagine that deep down Chris had a very strong need to be accepted. Fairly typical of your average teenager. But a lifetime of being overweight made that acceptance all the more difficult in Chris' mind and probably caused a good deal of self-doubt in him. So, he did some things that his conscience and good reason told him would ultimately not be the best for him. Chris chose the immediate pleasure he got in pleasing others over the long-term cost to himself. When people around him started to drink and take drugs, Chris joined in. The ability to say no was just not there.

The role of the older brother is often one of setting the right example and being the model for others to follow. But I look back at some things my younger brother did and can only wish I could someday live up to his standard. Little is known or told of how, while a cast member of Saturday Night Live, Chris would attend Mass almost daily and often helped out in a local senior center connected to his church. He also loved to visit children's wards in hospitals. He was very serious about his faith and service to the community. The smile on the faces of those he helped was worth gold to Chris.

But for me the single most memorable moment in Chris' life was when he asked me to attend his third anniversary of sobriety at an AA meeting that he would be leading. The address he gave me was surprising at first. It was on the far west side of New York, in an area known as Hell's Kitchen. The building was dark and completely run down. Manhattan hosts many AA meetings each day, many in the ritzier parts of the city - Fifth Avenue, Park Avenue, Upper East Side. But Chris chose this meeting. It was where he met each week for three years. Upstairs, I found Chris at the head of the room conducting a meeting that was filled with what looked like refugees from the nearest homeless shelter. But here was Chris talking about the disease he shared with everyone in the room; a disease that made him no better or worse than each person present. That was so much like him. And I will never forget how they all looked at Chris with admiration and respect. Not because he was a famous actor but because, like them, he was battling a very powerful enemy. A battle that they all would fight each day for the rest of their lives. But that day, they had won their battles. And when Chris was finished, we all celebrated and had cake. Chris loved that day. So did I.


About Chris 

While in college, Chris spent his summers as a counselor at a boys camp in northern Wisconsin.
Red Arrow Camp was where all the Farley boys went as kids. And we all worked there as counselors. Our father had also attended Red Arrow.

Always a great athlete, Chris thrived on the sports and competition at camp. He also enjoyed being around "the guys." It was at camp that Chris first developed his love for acting, while hamming it up for the annual camp plays.

Most of all though, Chris loved whipping the boys into a frenzy, and leading them off on some wild adventure. This photo is one of my very favorites of Chris -- hiking through the woods with the campers following close behind. It's also an image that I prefer to remember of Chris -- full of life and walking down the "right" path. Chris lived thirty three years. And for most of those years, that's exactly how he lived them.


I was a big fan of Chris Farley starting way back when he was a member of Chicago's Second City Theatre around 1989/1990 as well as when he was a cast member of the NBC sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live between 1990 and 1995. And then there are all his movies.Just recently I was watching some old Chris Farley movies, Tommy Boy, Airheads, and Wayne's World 2. I was staying at a friend's place while my apartment which had been heavily damaged from a fire in my upstairs neighbor's apartment was being cleaned up and restored. When I first saw the damage to my precious Persian carpets I was paralyzed. Fortunately I my home insurance broker suggested that I call Sunlight Fine Rug Care, a company specializing in expert Persian carpet cleaning Manhattan. He said that they provided rapid, emergency services within an hour and their technicians were well trained and certified by the IICRC institute. I was frantic and knew that I needed professional help. So as you can imagine, it had been a frantic day dealing with my insurance company and then calling Sunlight to start the clean up. I really needed to relax. Thank goodness for the internet where you can find just about any movie your heart desires. Chris Farley and David Spade in "Tommy Boy" just hit the spot. It's definitely one of my favorite buddy comedies. I find it one of those movies that never loses its ability to be funny, no matter how many times you've seen it. Chris Farley delivered his finest performance here as the lovable goofball everyone wanted to see him as. He's just so genuinely nice and incredibly stupid at the same time. I think Tommy Boy is a classic and it certainly lifted my spirits after a very stressful day. We miss you Chris Farley.



More Background on

The Chris Farley Foundation was a nonprofit organization dedicated to substance abuse prevention, particularly among young people. Established in 1998 following the untimely death of beloved comedian Chris Farley, the foundation aimed to use humor and improvisation as tools to educate and empower youth to make positive choices regarding substance use.

Foundation History and Mission

The Chris Farley Foundation was founded by Chris Farley's family, particularly his brother Tom Farley, in the wake of Chris's tragic death from a drug overdose at the age of 33. The organization's primary mission was to prevent substance abuse by communicating the consequences of drug and alcohol misuse to children, teenagers, and young adults. The foundation operated for approximately 14 years, from 1998 to 2012, when it officially ceased operations due to financial constraints and changing educational priorities. During its active years, the organization made significant strides in reaching young people with its unique approach to substance abuse prevention.

Innovative Approach to Prevention

What set the Chris Farley Foundation apart from other substance abuse prevention programs was its use of humor and improvisation techniques. The foundation believed that by incorporating elements of comedy and interactive performance, they could more effectively engage young people and deliver their message in a memorable way. Tom Farley, who became the face of the foundation, traveled to schools across the country, delivering presentations that ranged from one-hour sessions to day-long workshops. These programs combined educational content with improvisational exercises, allowing students to actively participate and learn through experience.

Programs and Initiatives

The foundation developed several key programs and initiatives during its operation:

  1. School Presentations: Tom Farley and other foundation representatives visited schools to deliver interactive presentations that blended humor, improvisation, and substance abuse education.
  2. Improv for Life: This program taught students improvisational skills as a means of building confidence, improving decision-making abilities, and resisting peer pressure.
  3. Think. Laugh. Live.: This became the foundation's central message, encouraging young people to think critically about their choices, use humor as a source of strength, and live life to the fullest without substance abuse.
  4. Public Service Announcements: The foundation produced PSAs featuring celebrities and comedians to spread their message to a wider audience.

Impact and Reach

During its years of operation, the Chris Farley Foundation reached thousands of students across the United States. The organization's unique approach garnered attention from educators, parents, and media outlets, who recognized the potential of using humor to address serious issues. The foundation's work was particularly impactful in Wisconsin, Chris Farley's home state, where it collaborated closely with local schools and community organizations. Many students who participated in the foundation's programs reported increased awareness of substance abuse risks and improved confidence in their ability to resist peer pressure.

Media Coverage and Public Reception

The Chris Farley Foundation received significant media attention throughout its existence. Major news outlets, including USA Today, CNN, and local Wisconsin publications, covered the foundation's work and its innovative approach to substance abuse prevention. The foundation's efforts were generally well-received by the public, with many praising the organization for finding a way to honor Chris Farley's memory while addressing a critical social issue. The use of humor in tackling such a serious topic was seen as both refreshing and effective, particularly in reaching younger audiences.

Challenges and Closure

Despite its initial success and positive reception, the Chris Farley Foundation faced several challenges that ultimately led to its closure in 2012. These challenges included:

  1. Funding Issues: As with many nonprofits, securing consistent funding became increasingly difficult, especially in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.
  2. Changing Educational Priorities: Schools began to focus more on standardized testing and core curriculum, leaving less time and resources for external programs like those offered by the foundation.
  3. Evolving Approaches to Prevention: As research in substance abuse prevention advanced, some questioned the long-term effectiveness of short-term interventions like those provided by the foundation.

In July 2012, Tom Farley announced the foundation's closure through the Wisconsin State Journal, citing these challenges as the primary reasons for ceasing operations.

Legacy and Continued Influence

Although the Chris Farley Foundation is no longer active, its impact continues to be felt in the field of substance abuse prevention. The organization's innovative use of humor and improvisation in addressing serious issues has inspired other programs and initiatives. Many of the techniques and approaches developed by the foundation have been incorporated into other substance abuse prevention programs. The idea of using interactive, engaging methods to connect with young people about sensitive topics has gained traction in various educational and public health settings.

Cultural and Social Significance

The Chris Farley Foundation held significant cultural and social importance for several reasons:

  1. Honoring Chris Farley's Memory: The foundation provided a way for fans and family to channel their grief into positive action, ensuring that Chris Farley's legacy extended beyond his comedic performances.
  2. Destigmatizing Substance Abuse: By openly discussing Chris Farley's struggles with addiction, the foundation helped to reduce the stigma surrounding substance abuse and encouraged more open conversations about these issues.
  3. Innovative Prevention Techniques: The foundation's use of humor and improvisation in substance abuse prevention represented a departure from traditional, often dry educational approaches, demonstrating the potential for creativity in public health initiatives.
  4. Celebrity Involvement in Social Issues: The foundation's work highlighted the potential for celebrities and their families to leverage their public profiles for important social causes.

Critiques and Controversies

While the Chris Farley Foundation was largely well-received, it did face some critiques and controversies:

  1. Effectiveness Concerns: Some addiction specialists questioned whether short-term interventions like those provided by the foundation could have lasting impacts on substance abuse prevention.
  2. Balancing Humor and Seriousness: The foundation sometimes faced challenges in striking the right balance between using humor and addressing the gravity of substance abuse issues.
  3. Funding Allocation: As with many nonprofits, there were occasional questions about how funds were allocated between program delivery and administrative costs.


The Chris Farley Foundation, though no longer active, left an indelible mark on the landscape of substance abuse prevention. By harnessing the power of humor and improvisation, the foundation created a unique approach to engaging young people in conversations about drug and alcohol use. While its closure in 2012 marked the end of its direct operations, the impact of its work continues to influence substance abuse prevention efforts today. The foundation's legacy serves as a testament to the enduring influence of Chris Farley, not just as a comedian, but as a figure whose personal struggles inspired efforts to help others avoid similar fates. It also demonstrates the potential for innovative, out-of-the-box thinking in addressing serious social issues, particularly when it comes to connecting with young people. As substance abuse remains a critical issue in society, the lessons learned from the Chris Farley Foundation's approach continue to inform and inspire new prevention strategies. The foundation's work reminds us of the power of laughter, not just as entertainment, but as a tool for education, empowerment, and positive change.